2017; 5280 × 5280 pixels; 3 minutes (infinite loop) with sound; Sound design by Stephen Farrell
Permanent collection of the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation

Underground Circuit is a collage of hundreds of video clips shot in the subway stations in New York. Station to station, the movement of the commuters in the outer rings suggests the repetitive cycle of life and urban theatricality and texture. The inner-most ring includes people sitting on benches waiting; the central drummers act as the controller of the movement, inspired by the concept of the Four-faced Buddha in Chinese folk religion, the god who can fulfill and grant all wishes of its devotees.


Yuge Zhou's Video Installations Explore Individuality Within Urban Environments at Site:Brooklyn
BOOOOOOOM: “Underground Circuit” by Artist Yuge Zhou

Exhibition History: 

  • Interreality at Desmond Tower (10.14, 2023 - 03.17, 2024), Los Angeles, CA

  • Cyberarts 2020—Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition at OK Center for Contemporary Art (09.09,2020 — 09.15, 2020), Linz, Austria

  • Ars Electronica 2020 (09.09,2020 — 09.13,2020), Kepler's Garden, Linz, Austria

  • "In the Shape of a City" Solo Exhibition (10.18,2017 — 11.08,2017), Paul Watkins Art Gallery, MN

  • Currents New Media Festival (06.08,2018 — 06.24,2018), El Museo Cultural De Santa Fe, NM

  • "Universe of Relations" Group Exhibition (06.08,2018 — 09.23,2018), Zarya Center for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok, Russia

Underground Circuit (video), original resolution 5280 x 5280 pixels

To view the video version of Underground Circuit in larger format, please click here

Video projection onto floor and central cube with relief, 10 ft x 10 ft x 1.5 ft.
The installation invites audiences to sit on the central cube as Voyeur-gods, to observe the anonymous characters in the projected urban labyrinth. Documentation by Andrew Thoreson;